Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Is Not the First "Black" President

Why are so many all excited about this "historic" moment when the history behind it is false? One word... ignorance.


In this article the author explains that we've had six other "black" presidents. Actually, presidents that have had mixed race. I've never understood why a person is called "black" even if they are of mixed race, then again, is "black" a race? I think it's really saying, of darkest color

It all gets confusing in this whole racial classification. In all reality it's just too much focus on the flesh of a man or woman. The flesh. What you are born with. What will eventually rot or burn away. What's left after that? The soul. That's the focus we need. Character.

What I will say about Obama is that he's a fairly young president who had marketing appeal to a minor majority. Is he good for our country? Time will tell, and we don't really know how events will pan out and how he will react to them. I do know that I don't support his liberal views on government blessed abortions. Abortion is murder, and there's no way to explain that fact away. Not to mention other issues.

At any rate, he's not the first "black"president. He's just the first who's used race as a marketing point.

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