Thursday, June 23, 2011

What Do You Do?

Quick thoughts...

Just because you've heard of something, just because you are aware of it via this Internet and mass media age does not mean you have done anything to effect change upon that which is bad.

Participate locally. The 1960's were filled with people trying to effect positive changes all around them. Mostly, in my opinion, they were misguided by principals that would do nothing to that effect, but they were doing things.

Be a doer.

Do what is right. Evil prevails when good men (and women) do nothing.

Friday, June 17, 2011

US to Invade Libya In October and November

From reports from internal sources, the US is already there and we've already had a few casualties.

WHEN DID Obama consult Congress for this non-declared illegal war on Libya?

We are only there for the oil, but it's not to benefit US citizens, but the UN's handlers.

Monday, May 2, 2011

34a7aeb10b7077520e5a976a02de877b Obama's Doctored Birth Certificate


This is the checksum of Obama's reported long form birth certificate. It's got layers, which, is not what happens when you scan a document. The document was digitally created. This is obvious to those that know graphic design.

Now, if this checksum changes for that file at the whitehouse site, it was doctored again.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Dead

I can't help but to think this was politically timed by Obama's handlers.

I also can't help but note that Osama was trained by the CIA.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Check it out. I can reproduce the same using Illustrator as well... straight off of the site.

A real shame. A fraud.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Mass Effect 2 Pre-Install

Being that I never played the first one, but had a friend that did, this will be interesting. The last BioWare game I bought was NeverWinter Nights. The first one.

Now, this is not a dig on BioWare, but just how it turned out. I've always loved the storyline and character development BioWare has had. Can't wait for the install of ME2 to end so I can jump in to this story!

The only issue I've had so far is the "current permissions are insufficient" issue that stops you from installing. The solution? Create the "Mass Effect 2" folder under "Program Files" and select that from the install. :)

I need a bigger hard drive. I am an extreme PC gamer, too much space is needed for my games. :D
Well, install is about to end...

Just saw a little movie about the voice actors in the game...
Here's to team BioWare... I can already tell you worked hard on this game as you always do!

Next game purchase in two weeks... Aliens VS Predator 3, for the PC (of course). I am now displaying my Predator visor with working laser tracking at work.